Monday, January 23, 2012

What is the Main Plot of Diablo 3?

“It has been said that in the end of all things, we would find a new beginning. But as the shadow once again crawls across our world and the stench of terror drifts on a bitter wind, people pray for strength and guidance. They should pray for the mercy of a swift death... for I've seen what the Darkness hides.”

That is Leah narrating the cinematic trailer for Diablo 3. The game is as exciting as it sounds in that introduction. Possibly more.

Blizzard created Diablo 3 after years of research and it's all been worth it. The game is a riot of color, contrast and indulgence for the avid gamer.

The storyline begins two decades after the complete destruction of the world. It is set in Sanctuary – the dark and imaginary world that is the trademark of the Diablo series. Unnamed heroes had saved the world in Diablo 2 from the Armies of Burning Hell. But some heroes could not survive. A new generation of heroes has to now save Sanctuary from new threats. The old familiar settings like that of Tristam will be back. Deckard Cain – who was there in both the previous editions – will also be there. His niece Leah is a new character who will be there in some quests.

The main plot goes with two surviving Lesser Evils - Azmodan, Baal – and Black Soulstone. The world map includes two continents with several islands. Everything has changed because of the destruction of the World Stone beneath Mount Arreat. An invasion was to happen from Burning Hells but when it doesn't then Deckard Cain has to find out why. Diablo also returns despite his death.

Diablo 3 will end the main storyline but new storylines would be developed to not end the genre series, say Blizzard officials. There are some swell memorable characters in Diablo 3 too.

Another great aspect of the new Diablo storyline is that there are five classes, the Barbarian, the Witch Doctor, the Wizard, the Monk and the Demon Hunter. You can change the gender of the characters this time around and also use the auction-house system for trading in real-world cash. But the gender does not affect the abilities of the characters in any way. There is a background story for each of the characters which unfolds during the game. Diablo 3 is one power-packed entertaining struggle!

Diablo 3 Guide

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